Currently available only as a set with the 8 core categories from the Little Reader curriculum. Available only while stocks last.
Start teaching your child out of the box with these pre-printed word and picture sheets in full-color. Show your child the printed word you want to teach and then show a picture associated with the word for a more interactive approach to teaching.
156 full-color word and picture printouts for 78 words
Each word comes with 2 sheets, folded in half, where each side of a sheet has 2 word prints (in different font styles and colors) or 2 different picture prints
We've already printed out words and pictures for words from 8 core categories of the Little Reader English curriculum to get you started on enforcing your Little Reader lessons. All you have to do now is stack the printouts together, and start teaching! To get more use out of each printout, just insert the printouts into your Flap or Flash Card.
Action Words 1 | Action Words 2 | Common Animals 1 | Common Animals 2 |
clap |
kiss |
dog |
chicken cow mouse rabbit goat sheep rat hamster lizard |
Parts of the Body | Parts of the Body 1 | Colors | Kids' Things |
hair |
head |
red |
toys |
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